This post will show to you how to create your own IPTV playlist for most IPTV players like KODI, Simple IPTV player etc. etc.
Steps for local .m3u playlist
1. Open text editor (notepad or notepad++) I always use notepad.
2.type in exactly #EXTM3U in the first line
3.type #EXTINF:-1,(type channel name)
Optional: To add other info on your playlist like logo you may follow this format:
#EXTINF:-1 tvg-id="" tvg-name="SampleTVgNameHD" tvg-country="Sample country" tvg-language="English" tvg-logo="" tvg-url="" group-title="Movies",&privé HD
5.paste the m3u8 file on that line
6.Repeat doing so until you’ve got a list full of your preferred channels
Here is a sample format:
#EXTINF:-1,channel name
#EXTINF:-1,channel name
#EXTINF:-1,channel name
#EXTINF:-1,channel name
#EXTINF:-1,channel name
#EXTINF:-1,channel name
7. Now click SAVE and select save as type: all files the type your desired playlist name and add ".m3u" at the end without quote and your done.
8. Test now your playlist using VLC Player.