
Create Multiple Window Bootable Drive in a Sigle Drive

     Creating a single windows bootable drive is more easy rather than creating a multiple windows bootable in a single drive. There are lots of software you can use in order to accomplish that task, but now I found out that it is more convenient to have all windows bootable in a single drive. The steps are the following:

Preparing your usb drive step by step:

a. Download a software "WinSetupFromUSB". and double click it. The file you can download is self extract.

    here is the download link: click here to download WinSetupFromUsb

b. Run the app "WinSetupFromUSB_1-9_x64.exe"

c. Plug your usb drive and follow the step shown on the video below.

After this step, Follow the next step as shown on the video:

to be continue......